Advice WarningBe careful when using any teaching tips on our site (or from any other source). Do what makes sense to you. If it is not working for you and for your child, stop doing it. Learning should "not" be painful. Each tip may not work for all ages, and even if a tip works for most children of all ages, that tip may or may not work well for you and your child. Test each teaching tip carefully, to make sure that you understand it, and that it works for your child, and accomplishes your goals. The more interesting and fun you can make things, the more learning will happen. We have included all these teaching tips, so that you will have the biggest selection of "tools" to choose from, so that you can do an even more excellent job of providing the greatest education possible for your child. © Copyright 2003 to 2009. All articles on this site are copyrighted. |