Getting Started


This is a "rough" outline of how to get started. Different people do these items in different orders, depending on their situation, so do what makes sense to you in your situation, but this should give you an idea of how to get started.

Also, if it seems overwhelming, remember you don't have to be fully organized before you can start. You can start very quickly by just starting to teach your child things they will need for their life (e.g. this could be reading or math, or it could be cooking). If you have to start quickly, start teaching now, and get organized as you go.

  1. Decision to Home School. Should you home school?

  2. Find Support. Get to know other home schoolers, locally and on the Internet.

  3. Learn About Home Schooling. How is it different from regular schooling? What do you need to know to teach your children?

  4. Home Schooling Regulations. What are the regulations in your area?

  5. Set Your Educational Goals. What do you want to teach?

  6. Decide Method. Choose which method you will start with (you can change later):
    • School at Home, Classical, Eclectic, Unschooling, etc.
    • Will you de-school for a while at first?

  7. Find Curriculums and Resources.

  8. Start. Taking the big step.

Then keep learning about the ways your child learns, and your style of communication, and about available resources, field trips, etc. And keep learning about how to home school (more hands on, more collaborative environment, etc.). See our Teaching Tips, and have fun!

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